Title Insurance
Tennessee Valley Title Insurance Co. (“TVT”) is committed to helping homebuyers and homeowners, commercial property buyers/owners, and developers understand how title insurance can protect their property. Buying a home is often an individual’s largest purchase and purchasing commercial property is often a significant investment. Title insurance is critical in protecting those assets. understand how title insurance can protect their property. Buying a home is often an individual’s largest purchase and title insurance is critical in protecting that asset.
Title Examinations
A title search is an examination of public records for a particular property. The TVT team will review a property’s legal description, the chain of property ownership, and any other pertinent matters that may affect the title.
Closing & Escrow
The closing staff at TVT is extremely experienced in both residential and commercial real estate closings. The funds for the closing are held in the TVT escrow account until the date of closing and are then disbursed from that escrow account.
Once the title search is completed and a title commitment prepared, the file is handed off to an experienced escrow officer. The TVT closing team, made up of an escrow officer and their escrow assistant, will reach out to the buyer and seller to obtain needed information for getting payoffs, realtor commissions, and other pertinent information for closing. The TVT closing team will send a preliminary closing statement out to the proposed lender for review. The lender will either confirm the information on the closing statement or provide additional information that will be incorporated into it. At this point, you will be contacted to discuss the specifics of the closing date and time and the amount of funds that will need to be wired. You will receive a copy of the wiring instructions and then you will have to call the TVT closing team to verbally confirm the wiring number (as a safety precaution to prevent fraud). On the date of closing, TVT will need to receive your wire for funds prior to the closing to hold in the TVT escrow account. On some files, on a case by case basis, a cashier’s check may be accepted, but you must have prior approval from the escrow officer.
Once all the documents have been signed and the lender has given their approval for funding, the TVT closing team will submit the documents for review and approval by the TVT legal staff. The TVT closing team will then record the documents at the appropriate register’s office and proceed with disbursement of the sales proceeds. The knowledge that all steps in the closing process are reviewed by our attorney staff gives peace of mind to customers closing with TVT. Often title companies do not have attorneys on staff, and that helps set TVT apart from competitors.
TVT’s staff attorneys are extremely experienced and skilled in real estate law, transactions, and practices. Every order is reviewed by TVT attorney staff and documents are prepared and reviewed by the attorneys. Due to its independence, experience, and integrity TVT often receives referrals from top law firms in the area to handle real estate transactions for their valued clients. TVT is known for handling some of the most complicated title matters in both commercial and residential real estate. You can take confidence in knowing the answers you are given as a part of your closing process have been reviewed extensively by our legal staff.